Wise thoughts about Health
Wise thoughts about Health
The most important thing in the regime of maintaining health is physical exercise, and then the food regimen and the sleep regimen… Moderately and in a timely manner engaged in (physical exercises) does not need any treatment aimed at eliminating diseases ...
Moving, fast personProud of a slender camp.Seated for a centurySubject to all flaws.Be friends with gymnasticsAlways be cheerfulAnd you will live a hundred yearsAnd maybe more.Potions, powdersTo health is the wrIn the garden and in the open field.
long way. Be treated by nature
N. M. Amosov:
The principle of a healthy lifestyle, the principle of optimal physical exertion, a person should learn as elements of culture in the worst case from school, at best - even earlier, in the family, in kindergarten
O.K. Antonov:
Real physical education is a reasonable attitude to the body - the receptacle of our mind - all 24 hours a day. I want to emphasize once again: it’s not morning exercises, not even sporting activities 2 times a week, but a constant round-the-clock culture of self-attitude, an optimal lifestyle that makes a person’s existence full.
"Life requires movement."
“Nothing depletes and destroys a person like prolonged physical inaction.”
Paul Breg:
“To enjoy endless health, you need to work on yourself.”
Heinrich Heine:
"The only beauty I know is health."
Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should be included in the life of everyone who wants to maintain health, a full and joyful life.
If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you get sick
Georges Demene:
It is easy to recognize a person who has received good physical education by decisiveness and confidence of movements: he knows his strength, knows how to apply and use them, he does not succumb to fatigue, because he is the master of his organs.
Ancient Greek sayings:
The inscription on the rock:Do you want to be strong - run, Do you want to be beautiful - runIf you want to be smart, run.
Gotthold Lessing:
Charm is beauty in motion.
Jan Amos Comenius:
The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, cold weather, otherwise, it weakens and fades easily. Likewise, the human body needs strong movements, activity, and serious exercise.
Pierre de Coubertin:
Mushtra kills physical education. Freedom and democracy are indispensable conditions for the education of healthy youth ... Physical education must necessarily include games and sports activities. Physical education and sport are above international conflicts.
Oh, sport! You are progressing!You contribute to the perfection of man -The most beautiful creation of nature.You convince yourself that physical and moral progressTwo ways to one goal!
P.F. Lesgaft:
That which does not exercise dies.
Development should be completely harmonious, both physical and mental, aesthetic, moral, respectively.
John Lonk:
Gymnastics lengthens a person’s youth.
Maksimovich - Ambodik:
“A body without movement is like stagnant water that is moldy and rotting.”
Michel de Montaigne:
Health is a jewel and the only one for which it’s worth not only not to spare time, effort, labor, and all sorts of benefits, but also to sacrifice a particle of life for it because life without it becomes unbearable and degrading.
Tamara Lyazgina (famous circus artist):
How much healthier and younger people will be if they daily begin to feel the need for movement and satisfy it.
I.P. Pavlov:
The most precious thing in a person is moving.
You should not exhaust your body, but try to give it food, drink, and exercise to the best of your ability, so that your body becomes stronger, not knowing excesses and laziness.
Movement is the pantry of life.
Jean Jacques Rousseau:
The great secret of parenting is that exercise and practice
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